Where to buy the best blessing bracelets?
Blessing bracelets can be bought anywhere. Most often people buy blessing bracelets from Buddhist bracelet. If you are looking for authentic blessing bracelets this is the spot. Buddhist bracelet have monks have that bless each bracelet and have a video of it. Monk bracelets have been around for decades if not centuries. Monk bracelets will always be a thing. And will stay that way. These monk bracelets are amazing as they have every quality of what any person could as for. Here is the top monk bracelets.
Buddhist blessing bracelet
Buddhist blessing bracelets have been around for 125 years and been exclusive for a certain people. These monk bracelets are now for the public. These blessing bracelets are made of real and authentic wood. If your looking for better monk bracelets, look no further, this is it.
Monk blessing bracelets
These monk bracelets are blessed, but how? A monk hold the bracelet in hand and starts repeating a specific mantra. We at Buddhist bracelets sell different types of blessing bracelets, each with one purpose; To help a person out.
How can a simple blessing bracelet help one?

As we've previously stated each one of our blessing bracelet has been blessed by a monk. This happens through a mantra. The monk blesses each bracelet while repeating a specific mantra. We are not here to sell you anything, however, to open your eyes and see what you are missing out on. We don't call our bracelets "Blessing bracelets" for no reason. There are many reasons behind them.
Our blessing bracelets
Our blessing bracelets are used all over the world to help one become better. We aren't saying our blessing bracelets will give you any magical abilities because it's not. As we've said our blessing bracelets are blessed, through the blessings it can help one with both within and without.
Handmade blessing bracelets

Each monk blessing bracelet is handmade buy a craftsman that has mastered this craft. He has been hand making wood bracelets since a kid. Now we do not have the same craftsman from the fist day however, it’s an art that’s passed down to each generation.
How to use a blessing bracelet
- Hold your blessing bracelet with your non-dominant hand.
- Let it around your fingers so you can move it without it bothering you.
- Using your thumb to move is the religious tradition. However, it's much more common to use your thumb.
- Breathe in and then breathe out. A blessing bracelet can also be used as a counting mechanism. For example, when meditating practice, a mantra word or phrase can help protect your mind from negative thoughts. A true blessing bracelet helps you focus, concentrate, and feel calm. Here are some words you can pick
- Then you move your finger to the next bead, breathing in and out for each bead.
- If your new we would recommend taking it slow and start at something you are more comfortable with (10-25 breaths.)
To stay calm say:
Mind is calm.
All is well.
This shall pass.

To be happy say:
I am happy
I am bright
I am excited

Everyone talks about owning a blessing bracelet and that is understandable, but what is a real blessing bracelet?
A bracelet that is not intended for blessings can be labeled as a “Blessing bracelet.” A blessing bracelet has had many things. The following qualities are provided in all our blessing bracelets.
Real blessing bracelets
A real blessing bracelet is typically blessed by a monk. A monk must bless each bracelet. This blessing is done through a recitation. The monk holds the bracelet in hand and repeats a mantra while going through each bead. This process itself can take hours for a single bracelet. The blessing cannot be interrupted or else the monk will need to recite the entire mantra again. Our monk has a designated place. A cave/temple that has not been entered in nearly 220 years. However, our monk was the first to do so and that is where each blessing is held.

Wood Blessing bracelets

There are millions of blessing bracelets. What makes ours the most unique? Our blessing bracelets are made of 100% wood and blessed by a monk. The wood use is some of the most exotic woods in the world, and are on the verge of extinction. These blessing bracelets help bring L.I.F.E (Love, Intelligence, Freedom, Enjoyment) to one. These blessing bracelets are extremely sacred and are very unique.